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2024 Bet Aviv High Holiday Packet

This form has two sections headed by blue letters. Clicking on a heading in blue expands that section and allows you to enter information. Please be sure to look at all the sections prior to submitting this information by clicking either the "Submit" or "Pay Now' button on the bottom of the form.

If you are making an online purchase by direct debit or credit card, please wait until you have completed all sections to click the Pay Now button. If you would like to pay by check, you can complete the other information online, but please include paper forms related to the purchase (available at the Bet Aviv website).

There is no fee for direct debits from your checking account: Select "Checking Account" in the payment information section. Payments by credit card will add a 3% processing fee.

Please provide this information by September 15, 2024.

If you're a member in good standing, we already have you on the holiday attendance list. You don't need to provide any other information about yourself.

Your immediate family -- children, grandchildren, and parents -- are welcome as well, as are active military and students. Spouses and significant partners of single members are welcome to attend with the purchase of a guest ticket.

Admission for non-immediate-family guests is available for $125 per person per service (one ticket for Rosh Hashonah and one for Yom Kippur).

For security purposes, all the names of people attending our services must be on this list to enter the sanctuary.

Please indicate below the names and relationships of immediate family members and the names of guests.

Immediate Family Members

Please enter the names and relationships of your family members attening our HHD services. Please enter one name and relationship per line. (e.g. Sara Smith, daughter).

Guests (not immediate family members)

If a guest is going to pay for his or her own ticket(s), please ask them to send the name(s), contact information, and a check with $125/ticket to Bet Aviv, 5885 Robert Oliver Place, Columbia, MD 21045 no later than TBD. NOTE - one ticket is required for Rosh Hashonah and one for Yom Kippur.

Please enter the names of the guests you are purchasing tickets for. Please enter one name per line (e.g. Sara Smith).

Bet Aviv members' children and grandchildren (ages 5 - 12) and their guests' children may attend Kol Nefesh's services. If you intend to do so, please provide the information requested below.

Kol Nefesh's services are designed for young families worshiping together. All children, regardless of age, must be accompanied by a family member.

All services are to be held in Room 100 of The Meeting House and will start at 10:00 AM, ending shortly after the Bet Aviv Torah porcessional.

For security reasons, you must register to attend. No walk-ins.

Please note that this year, Kol Nefesh is using OMI for Yom Kippur only. There are no Kol Nefesh Rosh Hashanah services at OMI.

Name(s) of adult accompanying child or children
Name of child attending Kol Nefesh services
Name of child attending services
Name of child attending services

Account Details

Enter your name and e-mail address for your confirmation

Payment Information


For added Security please check the box below.
